[IRCServices Coding] what happens when the ircd crashes/services delinks for _insert reason_
Stefanos Harhalakis
v13 at it.teithe.gr
Fri Aug 9 14:51:54 PDT 2002
On Friday 09 August 2002 21:22, David Orman wrote:
> Why doesn't the services daemon handle this transparently? Surely it
> happens often enough to warrent the functionality built into services. It
> seems a bit...messy...to have to use cron to handle it. If that's how it
> has to be done though, that's how it has to be done. :)
You could try the attached patch. It will cause services not to start if there
is another instance running. After that, just put a line in crontab like this
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/ircservices >/dev/null 2>&1
If you have any problems when compiling, please send me a mail in private.
Since this is the second time i'm sending this piece of code to the list, I
believe that Andrew doesn't like this aproach...
> David
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