[IRCServices Coding] Services 5.0pre9 released

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Thu Aug 15 22:27:02 PDT 2002

>no offence meant.. but isnt that what betas are for?

     Um, no.  Betas are for getting rid of current bugs, not introducing
new ones.

>the current problem is 
>that some users want NOOP and NOJOIN and others want SECUREOPS and 
>RESTRICTED.. i lead an IRC Network for an online multiplayer stratigy, as 
>well as a normal network for people everywhere, some channels want 
>restricted so only alliance members can join, others just want to stop 1 
>particular user from joining...

     Is there any reason this can't be done with NOJOIN fixed at -100?

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org