[IRCServices Coding] NS SET KILL not working?

Aragon Gouveia aragon at phat.za.net
Tue Sep 3 12:40:59 PDT 2002

Is services ulined on all your servers? And do all your servers support

| By vax <vax at webmask.com>
|                                          [ 2002-09-03 21:38 +0200 ]
> I just tried the quick option, and it didn't work. Tried switching into another guys nickname with kill also on, and nothing happened.
> vax (vax at webmask.com)
> --- Aragon Gouveia <aragon at phat.za.net> wrote:
> >Not sure why it isn't enforcing nick kills. Vax, have you tried changing the kill
> >option to quick and/or immediate? (be careful with immediate!!)
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >Aragon