[IRCServices Coding] ChanServ Mode Bug?

Colin Thorpe(SCF) ghozer at scfclan.com
Fri Sep 6 14:41:34 PDT 2002

Hmm, the IRCD we are running, is version 3.1.4-Meadows, we have not modified
it at-all, we simply un-tarr'd it and compiled it, made our .network file
etc, and ran it... we then ran the services, and found this problem.. I can
send you a Tarr of our Compiled version if you like...  (i can also send the
Unreal team a tarrd version)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Finny Merrill" <griever at t2n.org>
To: "Colin Thorpe(SCF)" <ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net>
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCServices Coding] ChanServ Mode Bug?

> On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Andrew Church wrote:
> >      Unless I can get confirmation that this is a designed feature in
> > Unreal, I'm going to consider this a case of a modified ircd and
> > not supported by Services.
> >
> As a member of the unreal coding team, it is not a designed feature.
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