[IRCServices Coding] ChanServ Mode Bug?
mark at ctcp.net
Fri Sep 6 15:50:27 PDT 2002
Andrew Church wrote:
> >But is the idea of +q not so that they can op/deop people etc,
> without even
> >being an op them selves? if the feature is enabled in the channel??
> >(unreal3.1.4-Meadows)
> I'm not aware of such behavior, and it doesn't exist in Unreal 3.1.
> Can anyone else confirm one way or the other for newer versions of Unreal
> or for other ircds with a channel owner mode?
[opers excepted for obvious reasons]
Mode +q in Unreal is founder. It is basically +a (protected user) but
cannot be set by anyone other than services on the founder of a channel
and cannot be unset except by owner. It is also automatic on a founder
when using '/cs id #channel password' rather than set on a user by another
A "normal" user with +q on a channel still requires +o to use '/mode +o
#channel nick'.