[IRCServices Coding] 2 chanserv suggestions
manual3000 at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 15 14:58:43 PDT 2002
Hi. I have the following suggestions.
In /cs access #channel list you can only list a given nickname ,all the
list or access entries by number.
I think it would be usefull if you could perform a list depending on the
level of the access a user has(especially when the acc list is full of
For example if 5 users have access 500 you could perform a command like: /cs
access #channel listacc 500 and that should return that 5 nicks.
Many users in irc networks give ACC-CHANGE level to many users of their
channels. So the founder cannot see who has added or modified an access on
his channel-acc list. So it would be useful if by performing /cs access
#channel list you could see something like that:
-ChanServ- 1 50 user1 (id at host.smth.com) [Added By: Founder
-ChanServ- 2 60 user2 [Modified By: nick4 (9/10/2002)]
This is only an example.just to give you the idea... maybe it takes too much
resources... but many users ask about such a feature.
Sorry for my bad english.
Thanks, and keep up the good work people.
MaNUaL , Greece