[IRCServices Coding] nickserv and the guest nicks

Aragon Gouveia aragon at phat.za.net
Thu Oct 3 00:58:14 PDT 2002

# NSReleaseTimeout <time>  [REQUIRED]
#     Sets the delay before a NickServ-collided nick is released.

NSReleaseTimeout 1m

| By daan at devilish.xs4all.nl <daan at devilish.xs4all.nl>
|                                          [ 2002-10-03 07:36 +0200 ]
> I was wondering wethever the services nick enforcer could hang around
> longer then it does right now.
> Why?: Ive seen a lot of users that change their nickname back to their
>       registered original and NS enforces the protection and changes it
>       to Guest again. This is nice, but not really fun to watch for
>       hours and hours.
> --rip-dude
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