[IRCServices Coding] questions with unreal and sjoin

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Thu Oct 10 15:00:42 PDT 2002

>On Wednesday 09 October 2002 09:04 am, Andrew Church wrote:
>>      To avoid namespace collisions when compiling modules statically.
>> Since the functions are used in other files, their symbols must be
>> exported, and this would cause a symbol name clash if the modules were
>> statically linked into the executable.
>i only see them defined in one place, sjoin.c... am i missing something?

     sjoin.c is compiled to sjoin-unreal.o for UNREAL_HACK, sjoin.o
without; the symbol clash occurs when both of these files are linked into
the same executable.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org