[IRCServices Coding] Small bug

Shaun Guth l8nite at l8nite.net
Sat Oct 26 09:02:14 PDT 2002

Morning everyone, just stumbled across this...

/cs info #aspectfx
-ChanServ- Information for channel #aspectfx:
-ChanServ-         Founder: PipSqueek
-ChanServ-     Description: The #aspectfx hangout klub
-ChanServ-      Registered: Jul 20 01:51:54 2002 EDT
-ChanServ-       Last used: Oct 26 11:56:11 2002 EDT

/cs set #aspectfx successor pipsqueek
-ChanServ- You can't make the founder of a channel the successor too.

/cs set #aspectfx founder l8nite
-ChanServ- Founder of #aspectfx changed to l8nite.

/cs set #aspectfx successor slyfx
-ChanServ- Successor for #aspectfx changed to slyfx.

/cs set #aspectfx successor pipsqueek
-ChanServ- Successor for #aspectfx changed to pipsqueek.

/cs set #aspectfx founder PipSqueek
-ChanServ- Founder of #aspectfx changed to PipSqueek.

Most likely a strcmp that should have been a strcasecmp... but I haven't
looked through the source to find it yet.
