[IRCServices Coding] ircservices-coding mailing list overview

Andrew Kempe andrewk at isdial.net
Sun Oct 27 21:51:31 PST 2002

For those of you who never read the message you were sent upon subscription
to this list (or who may have forgotten what it said), here it is. Please
can EVERYONE take the time to read it and understand what the purpose of
this list is.

Thanks, Andrew


This list is for technical discussions relating to IRC
Services. Please read on for a few tips regarding list use
and the policies of this list - they _will_ be enforced.

Typical topics of discussion include:
        - Technicalities of proposed changes.
        - How IRC Services' internals work.
        - How to go about making modifications without
          breaking things.
        - Module development for version 5.
        - Suggestions for future versions.

What this list does *not* and will *not* carry:
        - Support for IRC servers/daemons (a.k.a. ircd's)
        - HOWTO-program-in-C discussions
        - HOWTO-modify-the-ircd discussions
        - Support for modified versions of IRC Services.
        - Support for IRC clients.
        - Patches to IRC Services.
        - Discussions of any topic unrelated to Services.

It is important that the list be kept free of spam and issues
not relating to IRC Services. A few examples of what spam is
considered to be are:
        - Personal arguements and flaming.
        - Jokes, Get-Rich-Quick and other such spam.
        - Advertising

Please also bear in mind that long threads can be very
irritating and very hard to read. If a thread becomes long,
please delete the latter 70% of it, or atleast those parts
that do not pertain to your reply.

Addresses from which mail bounces for more than a week will be
removed from the mailing list. Please keep your address(es) up
to date by unsubscribing old ones before they become invalid.

Finally, thank you for taking the time to become a member of
this mailing list and for supporting IRC Services.