[IRCServices Coding] ChanServ bug?

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Sat Nov 16 18:02:51 PST 2002

>[23:12] * CyberDems changes topic to 'test'
>>>> Rejoined #Test
>[00:16] * services.wwirc.za.org changes topic to 'test (CyberDems)'
>>>> /topic #Test
>[00:16] * Topic is 'test'
>[00:16] * Set by CyberDems on Sat Nov 02 00:16:15

     Fixed, thanks for the report.

>Also, while in this subject, is it possible to make services.network.bleh
>stop doing ChanServ's jobs (eg: setting topics/modes/etc)? It can get pretty
>annoying if the "server" sets them.

     There are multiple points of view on this, and though I'll consider it
in the future, I'm not going to change it for 5.0.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org