[IRCServices Coding] Re: BotServ
idontwantthisshit at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 20 02:41:33 PST 2002
personally i agree with having a botserv as well, but would like to see a
BotServ include tha capability of running TCL Scripts so as to replace the
need for eggdrops totally, hopefully there are enough who do want a bot serv
for IRCservices to get together and possibly create a addon module as i
still believe IRCservices is the best option (discounting the lack of
> >
> > > And still, as always, i dont see the point in BotServ.
> >
> > yeah, you don't, but some people do.
> >
> The point in botserv, Is as-follows (If the BotServ meets the same
> as most others)
> 1) Easy / shorter command structure (Instead of "/msg chanserv op #chan
> nick" or "/chanserv op #channel NICK" etc.. it's Just Channel based
> "!op NICK") - Which is easier for people who are new to IRC,
> 2) Most of the time, BotServ places a physical Pseudo Client to reperesent
> the bot.. IN the channel.. This is not only preferred by some users and
> channels, But it also gives others somthing to relate to, and an easier
> of seeing that it is a registered channel.
> 3) I have talked to alot of people, asking what services they use, and
> Alot have said cygnus or epona etc, When i ask "why not IRCservices" thier
> reply is simple, "Because there is no BotServ"
> 4) mostly the same as number 3, But really.. "Because people want it"
> IF i could code, I would make one my-self, I would even be willing to pull
> together a team to make one, Even though i cannot code and i
> do not know how to... Though i would not mind pulling a team together...
> If anyone is interested in this, Let me know VIA Personal e-mail,
> ghozer at scfclan.com
> Thanx
> Colin Thorpe
> (AKA Ghozer)
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