[IRCServices Coding] repeated bad pass on #

Aragon Gouveia aragon at phat.za.net
Sun Jan 5 14:01:23 PST 2003

Yea I've also noticed this.  Does the same in 4.5.

| By CyberDems <cyberdems at wwirc.za.org>
|                                          [ 2003-01-05 23:47 +0200 ]
> MessageHey, i've noticed a lil' bug i think...
> This is a reproduced version of the log, because I exited my mirc client
> before i could copy and paste.
> [00:00] -alpha.deltacore.za.org- *** Global -- from ChanServ: Warning:
> Repeated bad password attempts for chan #chan.
> It doesn't tell me what the nick is of the person causing the problems?
> I'm running ircservices-5.0.6.
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