[IRCServices Coding] Idea for services

Ballsy ballsy at mystical.net
Mon Jan 6 05:07:18 PST 2003

	This sounds to me like something an external mailing list would 
handle quite well.  For example, users at yourdomain.com would be a mailing 
list that all users could (optionally) subscribe to, and you could send 
any notices out that way.  Might I recommend Mailman (www.list.org) as a 
decent mailing list manager.


Quoth Ciappei Alessandro (las3r) on Jan 6 at 11:52,

> Hi all,
> my idea, is that to be able to send an email and a global memo to everybody 
> the recorded nick, for particular events, as for example, the move of a 
> server or the upgrade of the software.
> In this way all the user also those not connected they will know what is 
> happening, in case of a possible malfunction owed to a wanted technical 
> intervention.
> regards
> Alex
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> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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