[IRCServices Coding] Mass memos

Craig McLure Craig at chatspike.net
Wed Aug 13 21:15:10 PDT 2003

I'd have to agree that this is a much better idea than a mass memo, soley for the fact that many of our users come once, dissappear for a few weeks, then come back.. To come back to a box full of memos which no longer regard them could be a problem, and would cause complaints. To have logonnews somewhere where all the users can see it, and where it wont prompty be hidden by IRCd spam would be a much better alternative.

If you really wanted mass memo, it shouldnt really be too hard to make a simple module that did it...  

Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure..
Netadmin of the ChatSpike IRC Network..
ChatSpike.. Now with Web-Based Services frontend! http://www.chatspike.net

 * From    - Russell Garrett <rg at tcslon.com>
 * To      - mark <mark at ctcp.net>
 * Sent    - 2003-08-13 @ 23:16:00
 * Subject - RE: [IRCServices Coding] Mass memos

/****** - Begin Original Message - ******/

>>> Frankly, logonnews is useless, and most of my users and opers
>>> agree.  It scrolls off too fast.  Ideally, it shoudl have a
>>> delay to prevent it being lost in the system notices on
>>> connection.  Maybe a 10 second delay beforee it flashes by,
>>> to give the user time to connect, etc, and then they might
>>> actually SEE it.
>> That is hardly a services issue. The IRCd would be the place to add
>> false delays into the login process.
>> I doubt users would welcome having a connection to the network paused
>> for such a reason.
>I think he's suggesting introducing a pause before services sends the
>notice, so that a user can have all their registration and channel joining
>out of the way, so that it appears at the bottom of a window full of
>rubbish. Which doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
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