[IRCServices Coding] CORE DUMPED! BUG!

Diego B. Contezini diego at redesul.net
Sat Oct 18 12:16:38 PDT 2003

Andrew, you told me about debugging.. now i got it ;]
here is the debugging:
[Oct 18 16:05:31.288944 2003] debug: Sent: :ChanServ TOPIC #EMOCORE reffer
1066055037 :1i?? Festival HARDcoCOREcore dia 25 de outubro em blumenau no
rio bravo bar (proximo a resima agua verde), com as bandas: Zero Ltda
(curitiba), Swallow the Waffle (bc), chymia(bnu), crazy frogs (lages),
surpise set e slipper (bnu)...3 pila entrada inicio as 15:00 horas'
[Oct 18 16:05:31.289032 2003] debug: Received: :|-Frango-| MODE
#EMOCORE -oooooo CHoPP CbRS-oFF caroll BRYAN brunaH balsanelli
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

root at irc(/home/ircadmin/services/lib)# ls -la core.12631
-rw-------    1 ircadmin ircadmin 47374336 Oct 18 16:05 core.12631

continue on the next message......