[IRCServices Coding] Bug using svs4-db in svs5(autodeop/nojoin-level)

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Wed Mar 31 20:23:57 PST 2004

>Would it be possible to get a patch for this issue ahead of the release, or a
>rough estimate on the next release?

     I don't know when the next release will happen, though I expect it
will not be too far in the future.  If this is a serious problem now, apply
the following patch.  (Note that applying the patch will cause the diff for
the next release to fail to apply; either reverse this or reinstall from
the tarball at that time.)

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org

--- modules/protocol/unreal.c	23 Mar 2004 15:13:42 -0000	2.117
+++ modules/protocol/unreal.c	30 Mar 2004 13:46:57 -0000	2.118
@@ -506,6 +506,10 @@
      * such a TKL exists in the SZline list, and do not remove it if it's
      * found; Unreal does not report IP address information for users, so
      * we have no way to re-add the masks by checking connecting users.
+     *
+     * FIXME: Unreal 3.2 converts an SQLINE into a TKL and sends it back to
+     * us!  Previous Unreal releases don't understand TKL Q, so for now
+     * check these against the SQline list.
     /* Pointer to the `get_maskdata' function defined in the database
@@ -521,6 +525,8 @@
     if (*av[1] == 'Z' && (*p_get_maskdata)(MD_SZLINE, av[3]))
+    if (*av[1] == 'Q' && (*p_get_maskdata)(MD_SQLINE, av[3]))
+	return;
     send_cmd(ServerName, "TKL - %c %s %s %s",
 	     *av[1], av[2], av[3], ServerName);