[IRCServices] ### SERIOUS BUGS ###
Pinto, Joao Luis (J.)
jpinto9 at visteon.com
Mon Sep 27 07:16:45 PDT 1999
This solution is not enough, because you wold also need to check for MODES
anc bounce them, because instead of TOPIC #bug :...
You can also put MODE #bug +b *@*, and the same problem will raise :), in
this case you would need to bounce the ban.
Regards, João Pinto
> App. Dev. & Integration Group - Information Systems Dept.
> Visteon Portugal (Palmela) - An Enterprise of Ford Motor Company
* E-Mail: jpinto9 at visteon.com
* Phone: 01-2339323
* Outside Portugal: 351-1-2339323
* FordNet: 8-233-9323
-----Original Message-----
From: achurch at dragonfire.net [mailto:achurch at dragonfire.net]
Sent: sábado, 25 de setembro de 1999 1:35
To: ircservices at ender.shadowfire.org
Subject: Re: [IRCServices] ### SERIOUS BUGS ###
>/quote privmsg ChanServ Info #bug
>/quote Join #Bug
>/quote Topic #bug :I'm hacker, I can change TOPIC!
>/quote MODE #bug +nt
>/quote MODE #BUG
>If no have peoples on channel... and it is registered...
>Paste that...
>You join on channel and set topic...
>ChanServ makes you -o...
>And... YOU change Topic!:)
This is because your TOPIC command is seen by the IRC server before
Services can react to your entering the channel and make you -o. The
real solution is closer integration of Services and the IRC daemon, but
in the meantime a workaround would be to check all topic changes for
validity (if (mode_t && !is_chanop(nick, channel)) then restore topic).
--Andrew Church
achurch at dragonfire.net
<A HREF="http://achurch.dragonfire.net/">http://achurch.dragonfire.net/</A>
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