[IRCServices] what do they think ?
root of all evil
climber at rionet.com.br
Fri Oct 8 16:49:56 PDT 1999
Thanks on advices
i use it on my network only (a smal network); of curse, i dont run anything
related to irc as a root, my sendmail is not configurated to check adress
so it's not a big deal if i do sendmail bla at urg.uf.lu it will just generate a
mail whith an error msg, isnt it ? , about the ; it is a big security houle,
i'ill try to make a stricter check on emails, any sugestions ?
about the bogus sendmail on patch, who wold it be posible ? i cant figure it,
only if i do that (only i have access to the acount)
the problem, to me whith smtp is, that you have to make a email client, to it
work well, sometime ago a brasilian network tried to do somethink like this
(smtp sendmail) but if the email is not valid ,the wole services gone crash
Rafael Moraes
On Wed, 31 Dec 1969, you wrote:
>>i had wrote this function on my services, it is working well, but i wold like
>>to hear coments and sugestions on it
>>it send password information to the nick email (ni->email) and i changed the
>>do_register, so users must give a mail
> From a functional standpoint, it's something I'd planned to do for quite
>a while. From an implementation standpoint, I'd hang myself before releasing
>code of this quality. No offense--if it works for you, fine; but there are
>numerous potential problems and security holes in this implementation. To
>point out a few: (further comments at the end of the message)
>> lock = fopen(".senpass.nick", "r");
> (1) There's a huge distance between this check and the time the file
>is created, leaving a big window for race conditions (except that since
>you process this all in the same thread you don't need a lock in the first
> (2) Doing all the processing in the same thread, and especially waiting
>for sendmail to finish, will slow down Services immensely. (Suppose your
>sendmail is set to verify recipients' domain names before queueing mail; what
>happens if someone registers a nick with an address in a domain they own, and
>then shut off the nameserver for that domain?)
> (3) This filename has a typo and so locking wouldn't ever work anyway.
>> } else if (!strchr(ni->email, '@')) {
>> } else if(strlen(ni->email)>50) {
> This is a pretty weak check on E-mail address syntax.
>> strcpy(illsend,"/usr/sbin/sendmail ");
>> strcat(illsend, ni->email);
>> strcat(illsend," < .sendpass.nick");
>> system(illsend);
> Lovely. Suppose I set my E-mail address to "foo@;IFS=.;rm.-rf./"?
>Poof, there goes your system (or whatever part of it Services can access--
>I hope you're not running as root). Not to mention the problems you get
>with having a bogus "sendmail" in a directory in your PATH.
> For the record, the proper way to do this would be to open a direct SMTP
>connection to a known mail server and send the mail over that connection,
>using select() to monitor the status of the connection (and timing out in a
>reasonable period of time to prevent people from using up all file
>descriptors by sending lots of SENDPASS requests). Note that a proper
>implementation of this functionality requires quite a bit of work, including
>redoing the main program loop and I/O code to be able to monitor multiple
>sockets at once; this is why I never got around to adding this functionality.
>If it were as simple as writing a function like the original poster did, I
>would have done it long ago.
> Andrew (Kempe): I'm willing to help you with this if you want, but you
>need to be very careful about adding functionality like this; it can turn
>into Swiss cheese (security- and stability-wise) if you don't watch out.
> --Andrew Church
> achurch at dragonfire.net
> http://achurch.dragonfire.net/
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