[IRCServices] Unreal

Scott Seufert scotts at flamebait.org
Thu Nov 4 07:11:28 PST 1999

>From: "Pinto, Joao Luis (J.)" <jpinto9 at visteon.com>
>To: "'ircservices at ender.shadowfire.org'" <ircservices at ender.shadowfire.org>
>Subject: RE: [IRCServices] Unreal
>Date: Thu.Nov 04.1999.07.53

> I think handling masks and bans is very far from the subject of this ML,
> please contact your ircd coder :P
> João Luís Marques Pinto
> PTlink Tech - Lamego at PTlink.net
> http://www.PTlink.net

I agree 100% IMO the only instance that the ircd should be concidered part
of the topic would be for compatability purposes.

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