AW: [IRCServices] Faster AKILL Processing...

Jonathan Morton chromi at
Wed Jul 19 10:56:11 PDT 2000

>Therefore it is in my opinion, adviseable to let services manage akills,
>instead of any server on a network,
>that even do not need to.

I thought the argument was to distribute the processing across the servers,
rather than having the _entire_ load on Services.  If the services machine
is more powerful than all the others put together, and network latency is
low, then it makes great sense to match them all on Services, then issue
/kill and /kline from there.  Also, _if_ troublemakers tend to come back
infrequently compared to the reboot frequency, then this is an acceptable
solution.  However, I suspect that neither of these assumptions holds true
for many networks.

The solution of keeping every server updated with a K-line list has it's
own problems, though.  With a large list of AKILLs and a large number of
servers, the traffic caused by the updates could become significant and
lead to further problems.  However this is exactly the situation where the
distribution of processing would be most useful.  Throttling would probably
be the best solution to the "flooding" problem, using a 'trickle' of /kline
commands to update the remote server(s), possibly even with a delay to
allow the usual "recovering from netsplit" traffic to subside.  This
completely frees up Services from the usual burden of matching AKILLs and
allows it to concentrate on it's other tasks in a more "managerial" role.

Again, this would best be configurable as an admin option, as with all
major behavioural changes.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     chromi at  (not for attachments)
uni-mail: j.d.morton at

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