[IRCServices] Bug in Chanserv / Nickserv ?

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Sat Sep 9 09:29:03 PDT 2000

We are using services 4.3.3, which I believe is the latest final version. We have encountered the following bug: 
A user is registered as 'Gigi'. She is also registered as 'Gigi_away'. She enters a channel, and because she is on Chanserv's access list for that channel as 'Gigi', she gets opped. 
She changes her nickname to 'Gigi_away' to read her mails. When she does this, another user called 'Gigi' enters the channel, and gets opped without needing any password. Her settings are as follows: 
-NickServ(services at chatservices.pt.lu)- gigi is gigi
-NickServ(services at chatservices.pt.lu)-    Last seen time: Sep 09 18:09:14 2000 CEST
-NickServ(services at chatservices.pt.lu)-   Time registered: Oct 24 14:38:53 1999 CEST
-NickServ(services at chatservices.pt.lu)-           Options: Kill protection, Security 
The same goes for 'gigi_away'. 
Is this a known bug that is fixed in the later betas? Is there anything we can do against it? 

Nvision s.à r.l. - http://www.nvision.lu - mehran.khalili at nvision.lu
    Luxusbuerg a.s.b.l. - http://www.luxusbuerg.lu - scrm at irc.lu