[IRCServices] Panic / Segmentation fault?

Sean Kelly smkelly at zombie.org
Wed Jan 17 22:02:49 PST 2001

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:44:04AM +0200, Andrew Kempe wrote:
> Have a cron job that runs every X hours (e.g. 12) that tars and gzips *.db
> and moves the archive to a new location with a nice name. If you have some
> trust in the box's hardware not falling over, you can have another cron that
> mails you the latest DB once a week or something. Otherwise mail it to
> yourself once a day - if you're the paranoid type. Or... just
> SCP/FTP/something-it to another server.

Here's what we do:

(1) services at area51:~$ crontab -l                                               
0 23 * * * /usr/home/services/bin/sendbackup >/dev/null 2>&1                    
(2) services at area51:~$ cat bin/sendbackup
cd ~/data; tar czf - *.db *.conf *.motd|uuencode services-`date +'%Y-%m-%d-%a'`.tar.gz|mail -s "Services backup for `date`" <userlist here> 

Then on my machine where I receive mail, I have a procmail rule:
(212) smkelly at edgemaster:~$ cat .procmailrc                                     
* ^Subject: Services backup for.*

Thus, I have a mailspool format file with daily backups as far back as I need
them.  I generally keep a week's worth of them on hand.  I just use my mail
user agent (mutt) to save the message to disk if I need the backup.

Sean Kelly         | PGP KeyID: 77042C7B
smkelly at zombie.org | http://www.zombie.org

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