[IRCServices] ChanServ refuses to KEEPTOPIC and TOPICLOCK .

Jonathan Morton chromi at cyberspace.org
Sun Jan 21 14:26:01 PST 2001

>     Where can I find information on the Unreal ircd?  I may look into
>adding basic support for it if it doesn't take too much work.

At irc.chatcircuit.com we use Unreal 3.1.1 and a recent version of Services
(i think I persuaded us to upgrade as far as 4.4.8).  With my medium-sized
patch to enable host-mangling support (containing some code lifted from
Unreal itself), it seems to work pretty smoothly.  If you want to come and
have a look to see exactly how well it works, you're welcome.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     chromi at cyberspace.org  (not for attachments)
big-mail: chromatix at penguinpowered.com
uni-mail: j.d.morton at lancaster.ac.uk

The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.

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