AW: [IRCServices] Backup Feature?

Andrew Church achurch at
Tue Jan 23 08:46:17 PST 2001

>Well, if you suggest such an unnecessary addition, you may also tell me,
>why you are not able to add a cronjob, which every 5 minutes tries to 
>Because, that will result in the same event.

     No, I can see where a feature like this could potentially be useful:
if the machine running Services gets split from the rest of the network,
it's gone no matter how many cron jobs you have, so I can see the benefit
of having a second copy of Services on a different machine that kicks in
if the original fails.

     On the other hand, you have data synchronization to worry about,
which is non-trivial when you consider the amount of bandwidth that would
be taken up by sending every database change to each backup copy of
Services; and the Internet is generally stable enough that I think backup
Services can be managed by hand just as easily, so this is not something
I'm planning for 5.0.  I may consider it for a later version, but it's
low on my priority list.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at | New address - please note. | $B%a!<%k%"%I%l%9$,JQ$o$j$^$7$?!#(B