[IRCServices] Services 4.5pre0 released

Real RealCFC at ChatFIRST.COM
Mon Jan 29 18:42:37 PST 2001

Anyone using Unreal1.1.1 out there have been able to allow their Services Administrators do commands like :


Or even 
a raw like :   /MSG OperServ RAW SVSNICK CurrentNick NewNick    ?

It looks like ONLY NET ADMINS can do those commands on our network, Our IRCops are set as Services Admins with Unreal and as Services Admins with IRCservices. I can only think of a bug or that these commands are ony reserved for NET ADMINS now , I remember however our Services Admins were able to do those commands in past versions.
Any help would be appreciated.
By the way so far IRCServices-4.5pre0 and Unreal3.1.1 have been running smoothly with no problems at all and all the problems with room topics have been fixed, I notice an overall improvement in the way services do everything. I have noticed only two things I would like to mention:

1-) Services does not have a help topic with OperServ regarding the new CLEARCHAN , that's just cosmetic but it would look much better.

2-) It would be nice if ChanServ would also send a confirmation message back at the user when they do:

/ChanServ OP #Channel Nick 

Some clients like WebTV dont have a visual idea of their status like PC users who see @ in front of their nicks and can get easily confused, this has been improved cause now it advices the user if they typed the wrong nick or the wrong channel name though.

3-) A command like: /msg ChanServ LIST #Channel BANS  
something like:  /msg ChanServ CLEAR #Channel BANS which already exists and its very useful.

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