[IRCServices] Services' allow spaces in nicks?

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Fri Feb 2 09:06:20 PST 2001

     Others have replied to this as well, but just to make things clear:

>One of my opers on my network as playing around with the RAW function (more
>specifically, RAW SVSNICK) and discovered that you could put a space in a
>person's name..  or an @..  or any other character that IRC normally
>wouldn't let you do.
>Is this something that was missed, or intentional?

     RAW doesn't do anything to its arguments, so this would be intentional.

-> *OperServ* help raw
-OperServ- Syntax: RAW text
-OperServ- Sends a string of text directly to the server to which
-OperServ- Services is connected.  This command has a very limited
-OperServ- range of uses, and can wreak havoc on a network if used
-OperServ- improperly.  DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND unless you are
-OperServ- absolutely certain you know what you are doing!

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org | New address - please note.
    http://achurch.org/ | $B%a!<%k%"%I%l%9$,JQ$o$j$^$7$?!#(B