[IRCServices] Where to search for the problem ?

Adrian AT. Teodorescu Adrian at alltrom.ro
Sat Feb 10 01:17:19 PST 2001


Server bahamut 1.4.22 

ircd.conf  - important lines are:


Some O: lines




Services 4.5 pre3, 4.5pre4, 4.5pre5

services.conf - important lines 

RemoteServer    irc.kappa.ro 6668 "some_pass"
LocalAddress    services.kappa.ro

ServerName      "services.kappa.ro"

ServerDesc      "Services for Kappa IRC"

ServiceUser     "services at services.kappa.ro"

Messages when starting services :

*** (s) Routing -- from chat.kappa.ro: Link with
services.kappa.ro[(+)root at] established, states: TS
*** (s) Routing -- from chat.kappa.ro: services.kappa.ro has processed
user/channel burst, sending topic burst.
*** (s) Routing -- from chat.kappa.ro: services.kappa.ro has processed
topic burst (synched to network data).

Errors in services.log

[Feb 10 10:55:38 2001] unknown message from server (:chat.kappa.ro 442
ChanServ #linuxro :You're not on that channel)
[Feb 10 10:55:38 2001] unknown message from server (:chat.kappa.ro 468
services.kappa.ro #linucs :Only servers can change that mode)
[Feb 10 10:55:38 2001] unknown message from server (:chat.kappa.ro 442
ChanServ #linucs :You're not on that channel)
[Feb 10 10:55:38 2001] unknown message from server (:chat.kappa.ro 468
services.kappa.ro #linux :Only servers can change that mode)
[Feb 10 10:55:38 2001] unknown message from server (:chat.kappa.ro 442
ChanServ #linux :You're not on that channel)
[Feb 10 10:55:38 2001] unknown message from server (:chat.kappa.ro 468
services.kappa.ro #idle :Only servers can change that mode)

In other words ... services are starting, errors reported by notice -
none, error in services.log read up; nickserv, operserv responding at
some commands but at 
/operserv mode #channel +o Nick 
(where Nick is an Operserv admin)
nothing happens 
/chanserv op #channel Nick 
(where Nick is channel founder)
result notice from chanserv "-ChanServ- Opped Nick on channel #channel
but nothing happens.

Can anyone heave a notice, advise something to help us ? I don't think
if is important or not but we heave over 500 users to server and
planning to link other 2 irc servers and I really need to solve that

Thank you 
