[IRCServices] secure on

Jazba Junoon jazba at awww.jeah.net
Mon Feb 12 16:42:20 PST 2001

Actually, I am talking about secure, not restricted.
-ChanServ- Syntax: SET channel SECURE {ON | OFF}
-ChanServ- Enables or disables ChanServ's security features for a
-ChanServ- channel.  When SECURE is set, only users who have
-ChanServ- registered their nicknames with NickServ and IDENTIFY'd
-ChanServ- with their password will be given access to the channel
-ChanServ- as controlled by the access list.

Isnt this = ONLY registred nicks can join a channel? I am not talking
about restricted access here, if you are online right now, connect to
server and /j #test  (it has secure on) and ONLY
registered nicks should be able to join, BUT here unregistered nicks can
also join.


Jazba Junoon
Email: jazba at jeah.net
ICQ #: 40050050
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