AW: [IRCServices] SGLINE
Andrew Church
achurch at
Sat Feb 17 20:13:28 PST 2001
>Oh yes, I am the one who coded it into. But that is not the point.
>I think, ircservices 4.5 should be released without adding support
>for sqline/sgline/szline, and these might be considered for a later
>version. 4.5 already consists of too many new functions, and there have
>been pre releases without these.
This is my plan; 4.5.0 is already screaming to be released (I think
I hear it at my door now...) and I don't want to add any more features
before that. I may think about it for a later 4.5.x version, depending
on how easy it is to do in the current framework, but once 4.5.0 is out
I plan to start work on 5.0 right away, which is going to be a pretty
major rewrite of the whole thing.
--Andrew Church
achurch at | New address - please note. | $B%a!<%k%"%I%l%9$,JQ$o$j$^$7$?!#(B