[IRCServices] Suggestion

Dr. K. Hawkes k.hawkes at zombies.force9.net
Tue Mar 6 23:31:01 PST 2001

> Hi,
> Unreal actually has a User Mode (+B) to mark a user as a bot. So why
> this in services while it's mainly an ircd matter? Same with ircops.
> Georges

True, but not ALL IRCds (Bahamut, Dreamforge) have a User Mode +B for Bots,
also adding these 2 small features to services could simply be put as
NickServ FLAGS, such as set BOT ON or set IRCOP ON.  You can then link
these flags with certain fields in NickServ... e.g. a Bot would have
auto-secure on it's nick or something... 

In my view this is a geniune(tm) good idea, the overhead on Services in
general would be pretty small and you can append functionality to NickServ
LIST so you can add a field for BOTS and/or IRCOPS.  Okay, some IRCds let
you do a /WHO o to find online opers, but NOT ALL.  I know IRC-Services is
aimed primarily at Bahamut, but there are still many others out there not
using Bahamut.

Whether or not this will be added/implemented is down to the coders of 
IRC-Services, but if we don't tell them what we'd like, they'll never know
