[IRCServices] Nick Identification bug?

Orion orion at tribble.dyndns.org
Sun Mar 11 01:41:01 PST 2001

k k said:
> Feature Addition?
> -------------------
> I'm wondering if there is a feature for making ChanServ to join #'s if 
> the owner wish the bot to stay in the channel?

a Services Admin can send a RAW command to make ChanServ appear to join
a channel, but iirc, it's not actually in the channel and doesn't
recieve channel messages

Orion			orion [at] tribble [dot] dyndns [dot] org
"You build a time machine that automatically, when it's about to be destroyed,
etc, goes back and makes sure that absolutely everything that happened ever
did actually happen that way."
   - Colin