[IRCServices] auto suspension after invalid passwords

Jonathan Morton chromi at cyberspace.org
Fri Mar 23 13:55:02 PST 2001

>>If this feature is enabled, a rogue user could suspend anyone's nick - even
>>the services roots'. surely this is a bit of a problem? Comments?
>     Hm, this is a good point.  Suggestions (other than the obvious "don't
>automatically suspend nicks")?

How about a short-term AKILL after the second "too many passwords" kill?
This works for KILLCLONES and would be a nice workaround.  Suspending the
nick affects innocent users, an AKILL usually doesn't.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     chromi at cyberspace.org  (not for attachments)
big-mail: chromatix at penguinpowered.com
uni-mail: j.d.morton at lancaster.ac.uk

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