[IRCServices] Services Suggestion(s)

ViPeR viper at wcalliance.com
Mon Apr 9 04:08:01 PDT 2001

Just to note, the FIRST suggestion is the only important one, other than
that read below:

The joining channels thing was just something to do with aliases, i read the
readme and know they wont join services to channels, but having an alias for
chanserv in your channel would be cool (thinking along the lines of 'X' in
daylight?)... that was a side issue.

the restrictions idea was my way of saying 'people arent perfect, and
revenge occurs in REMOTE situations.' i LOVE the fact that lower services
opers now cannot get an admin/root pass, and i like the 'su' command
implementation over one root, but I think that in some cases I would trust
some of my people with operserv access if not for 'raw' and the ability to
screw up services without meaning to.  this is one case where levels could
help (seeing root-only raw commands?).

the MAIN focus of the entire suggestion was the first one, sendpass. I would
LOVE to see a sendpass command that takes advantage of the email address in
the nick/channel db. If i werent a horrible portable-code-writer I would
attempt to write this code, but I cant write portable code for squat and the
'temporary implementation' on my system is only for my system and _very_

viper at wcalliance.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Conlin" <kevc978 at btinternet.com>
To: <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCServices] Services Suggestion(s)
