Jamie Smithson jamie at webdevint.com
Tue Apr 17 20:31:01 PDT 2001

I think it would be a good idea if when an akill is placed, it gave the
reason given as well...

So that instead of...

... (s) Global -- from OperServ: ice added an AKILL for
testing at please.ignore.this.com (expires in 1 minute)

... (s) Global -- from OperServ: ice added an AKILL for
testing at please.ignore.this.com (expires in 1 minute) for: Reason given here

-Jamie [aka, ice]
Network Administrator, QuikFire IRC Network

Email: jamie at webdevint.com
SMS: jamiesmithson at sms.genie.co.uk
Work: 96smithsonj at hovepark.org.uk