[IRCServices] Akill Bug Found

Kevc978 kevc978 at btinternet.com
Tue Apr 24 03:14:00 PDT 2001


One of the staff on my servwer found a Bug, We use Bahamut1.4.23 And
IRCservices 4.5.12 for now, When we add an akill, services put it into
lowercase, thats fine, but when Operserv adds an akill itself, say, for
excessive clones, it Keeps the Akill in its proper state, as in, Upper and
Lower Case, this causes a problem when removing the akill... simply... the
Akill CANT be removed.

I hope this solves the guy that couldnt remove operserv Akills problem, and
hopefully we could get a fix for it, if the Bug is correct :-)
