[IRCServices] ircservices bugs-cosmetic fixes

Trevor Talbot quension at softhome.net
Mon May 28 10:16:02 PDT 2001

From: "Scott Grayban" <sgrayban at borgdrone.net>

> | > 4) When you join a empty channel you registered chanserv only
> | > set's mode +q even though you dont get
> | >      deoped chanserv should still set you +o
> |
> | In order to register you need op. Obviously you are an operator.
> | Why should ChanServ resend an existing mode ?
> only cosmetic suggestion

It's a waste of bandwidth, and as a cosmetic issue, isn't going to work
with all ircds.  Many don't allow setting +o on clients that are already
set +o.

> | > 5) in the topic when you first join when empty the last
> | > person who set the topic is always in it on the end in the ( )
> | >     *** very anonying since each time a topic is set and you
> | > dont remove the last nick that set it keeps
> | >     adding the nick to the end
> |
> | Then you should remove that last nick, when changing the topic.
> | Or, you might use a script for that. Services does not continuosly
> | add the same nick at the end of a topic. It does this only once.
> | Therefore, the person who sets a new topic, needs only to remove
> | that nickname.
> errr i do believe in every services i have ever used or looked at they
never set the nick in the topic who set it last
> so why cant this be fixed?

It's not a services problem.  It's either at the ircd, or client end, I
forget which.  Unfortunately I don't have the ability to check right

ChanServ is the one setting the topic, but it also includes the nick of
the original person who set the topic as a special parameter in the
server<->server TOPIC message.  Either the server or client reformats it
in parenthesis at the end of the topic.

Try using "/topic <channel>" to see how the current topic is reported
after you see ChanServ first set it.

-- Quension, using another computer and email client while he waits to
fix his own fried system