[IRCServices] ircservices bugs-cosmetic fixes

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Mon May 28 12:39:02 PDT 2001

     Others have covered most of these, but just to give a brief going-over:

>A couple thing i see that needs to be changed.....
>1) when you join a empty channel thats register you get this
>    *** services.dreamirc.com changes topic to 
>    Which should be *** chanserv changes topic to 

     Unreal does not allow this.  If you want this, use a different ircd.

>2) There isnt a swhois anymore which was nice

     There never was.

>3) nickserv doesnt tell you that you are a services admin, services 
>oper, or services root anymore when
>    you identify.....that was always a nice feature.

     It never did.

>4) When you join a empty channel you registered chanserv only set's mode 
>+q even though you dont get
>     deoped chanserv should still set you +o

     The ircd will not allow this, and it's a waste of bandwidth anyway.

>5) in the topic when you first join when empty the last person who set 
>the topic is always in it on the end in the ( )
>    *** very anonying since each time a topic is set and you dont remove 
>the last nick that set it keeps
>    adding the nick to the end

     The (nick) is not part of the topic.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org