[IRCServices] akills on bahamut

Josh grenday288 at geocities.com
Wed Jun 6 06:05:01 PDT 2001

On 4 Jun 2001, at 22:21, Michael Smith wrote:

> Possible request for future versions
> If the bahamut '/rehash akill' feature is used, all the akills are wiped out of
> the k-line list. Could there be a /msg operserv akill resend command to resend
> all of the k-lines to the server. From what I can tell, there doesnt seem to
> be another way of doing this, short of restarting services.
> Mike
> ---
> Michael Smith (Warlock on IRC)
>  "Do you smell something burning or is it me?"
>                 -- Joan of Arc                                         

Why would you '/rehash akill' if you just where going to add them 
back again? 

Theres close to 4000 akills (-OperServ- Current number of AKILLs: 
3825) on my network it would be a total waste of cpu,mem and 
bandwidth to resend every one to the servers.

Akills are automaticly placed on the server when they see a user 
matching connect.  To me it seems pretty pointless to forcely send 
them all at once.

-- Josh Kirkorian [aka Poison-X]
-- Administrator - irc.insiderz.net

C Code. C code run. Run, code, run... 
Segmentation fault (core dumped).. aww shit