[IRCServices] Segmentation fault
karel4 at estpak.ee
Wed Jun 13 00:42:00 PDT 2001
[Jun 13 00:19:27 2001] OperServ: Karel: clearmodes #chatfm all
[Jun 13 00:19:27 2001] PANIC! buffer = :Karel PRIVMSG operserv :clearmodes
#channel all
[Jun 13 00:19:27 2001] Services terminating: Segmentation fault
There were about 15 users in that #channel and all modes were successfully
removed but services stopped after that. Is this normal (services flooded
Last version (.19) on services and UltimateIRCd2.8.1 (client_flood is
defined at 680, does this mean anything for services too?).