[IRCServices] Feature For Services??

GSF GSF at kerveros.gr
Tue Jun 19 22:20:03 PDT 2001

> More and More IRCds these days have commands like sethost, setident,
> chgident, chghost to change Virtual Hosts. Would it be good in Services,
> opers can set nicks a VHost so when the user identifies, their vhost is
> i know Unreal has the /vhost command, but people dont seem to want to use
> :(
> could be something to look at :)
i think that's a nice thought... let's say that.. a Services Oper/Admin
could set about 20 vhosts for a user... then the user could pick one from
the list , and when he identifies his nick he would have his host auto
changed by Services.(or even a /nickserv vhost 1-20)