[IRCServices] /names : bug of ircd or bug the mIRC

owen owensito owenito at thefragile.com
Mon Jun 25 03:27:01 PDT 2001

 When i put "/names" mIRC freeze. What is the problem? mIRC or ircd?

 ________  _   _   _  _ _ _  ___     _
| _____  || | | | | || ____||   \   | |"Despues de la partida, la dama
| |    | || | | | | || |___ | |\ \  | |y el peon, vuelven a la misma
| |    | || | | | | || ____|| | \ \ | |caja"
| |____| || |_| |_| || |___ | |  \ \| |
|________||______ __||_____||_|   \___|

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