[IRCServices] Two small things...

Mark Hetherington mark at mhetherington.demon.co.uk
Wed Oct 24 00:44:01 PDT 2001

> > Firstly, I might be mistaken here... But didn't services at some stage
> > had a feature to rotate and cycle the log files??  I believe
> > the command
> was (OS) 'recycle' or 'rotate' ?

> The ROTATELOG command was removed in favor of the
> kill -USR2 `cat services.pid`
> alternative, which causes services to close and reopen its logfile.
> You can combine this with a move, rename and kill...

Assuming you get the timing right. The -usr2 signal seems very susceptible
to crashing services during this process with an error of success. A simple
rotatelog command was both guaranteed and more stable so why it was removed,
who can tell.
