[IRCServices] Authcode ideas

Finny griever at t2n.org
Wed Oct 31 03:01:00 PST 2001

I have a few ideas for 5.0

The first idea is similar to the dalnet sendpass feature,
except with authcodes.

1) When you use your authcode, it resets to 0 (no authcode)
2) if you do /nickserv SENDAUTH nick email, it changes the authcode
to something random and sends it to their email address. (the "email"
parameter must match their email address, but services admins can omit
it and users can use it on themselves with no parameters if they are
3) AUTHing enables nicks and has other effects including setting you 
to identified (as if you had used your password).
4) Authcodes automatically expire (and so does the nick if it hasnt been
authed yet) in X amount of time. (I use the same X all through this 
section) SENDAUTH, except by services admins, cannot be used unless the 
authcode is 0 (no authcode).

this is a way to help if your nick password is forgotten but MD5 crypting
is enabled.


Here goes the second idea, You might wanna make this a 
SET option if it ever gets in.
The idea is:
1) you can only change email when authed (this should be a SET option)
2) when your email is changed, you revert to the "unauthed" state
and you have to do the auth again within X amount of time or the email 
reverts. (This is a config file option)


The final idea

What about a "registration snapshot"? Where every time a nick/channel is 
registered the services stores in a log database the information at the 
moment of registration for retrieval by operators?

