[IRCServices] Short question (add)

Collide collide at tr.net
Sun Nov 4 20:38:00 PST 2001

Hi again,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ircservices-admin at ircservices.za.net 
> [mailto:ircservices-admin at ircservices.za.net]On Behalf Of Finny
> Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 3:26 PM
> To: ircservices at ircservices.za.net
> Subject: [IRCServices] Short question (add)
> The purpose of this is so scripts/clients/bots can detect
> if they are using someone else's nick without
> a) having to automatically reply to a notice (breaks irc rfc)
> b) changing the script for different langs/messages/services

All ircservices have "nearly" same message. At least all of them
says "/msg Nickserv* IDENTIFY" so scripts can bind this phrase.
I dont think a auto-identify system will violate irc rfc anyway, but
if you bind mirc or your client to response the phrase above, then 
there will be no problems. Anyway, changing ircservices's notices
for a such reason is not neccessary...
