[IRCServices] Only chanserv

Gregory King gregk at wwwpages.com
Thu Nov 29 20:18:00 PST 2001

how can you control a channel if chanserv cant trust the user giving it
commands?  You need nickserv to validate the user don't you?

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, [iso-8859-1] Cristian Vallarino wrote:

> Hi
> I'm new with IrcServices, and i want to know if there is a way to configu=
> Ircservices to run only chanserv?.. I don't want to control nicks, opers,=
> etc in my irc server, only i need to control channels.
> I use Unreal ircd 3.1.2 and Ircservices 4.5.33
> Thanks in advance
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> atentamente,
> Cristian Vallarino (aka nutrino)  -  nutrinos at yahoo.com
> "La distancia destruye los peque=F1os amores, pero engrandece los verdade=
ros amores...asi como el viento apaga una vela, pero enciende una hoguera..=
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