[IRCServices] Deleting a nick

Jonathan Morton chromi at cyberspace.org
Fri Nov 30 23:23:01 PST 2001

>>Couldnt find it in the docs it appears, but how do i, as an oper, 
>>delete a nick in nickserv?
>>ie. someone has taken a nick i dont want them to have!
>Its called 'dropping' a nickname. Do it by typing /nickserv drop NICKNAME

If you don't want *anyone* to have that nick, you can use:

/nickserv FORBID <nick>

...as a Services admin.  You can also add Q:lines to your ircd.conf.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     chromi at cyberspace.org  (not for attachments)
website:  http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/vnc/
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