Jonathan Morton chromi at cyberspace.org
Tue Dec 4 18:10:00 PST 2001

>Sorry about that guys. I already sent another mail to the correct address.
>It's ohh so very early and all the irc services banter has warped my fragile
>little mind. I'm going to get my money back on hooked on phonics as soon as
>I get my additional 900 hours of free internet with AOL.  (joke)

Well, at least this one isn't a *complete* idiot like so many others...  :)

I've even seen one (yes, it was an AOL luser) who, after being told 
numerous times how to unsubscribe, still sent "no more mail 
ooookkkkk" messages to a certain mailing list.  I think the 
administrator eventually removed him from the list by surgical means.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     chromi at cyberspace.org  (not for attachments)
website:  http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/vnc/
geekcode: GCS$/E dpu(!) s:- a20 C+++ UL++ P L+++ E W+ N- o? K? w--- O-- M++$
           V? PS PE- Y+ PGP++ t- 5- X- R !tv b++ DI+++ D G e+ h+ r++ y+(*)
tagline:  The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.