[IRCServices] ChanServ OP/DEOP vs. access levels (was Re: Services 4.5pre1 released)
Dr. K. Hawkes
k.hawkes at zombies.force9.net
Sat Feb 2 14:24:08 PST 2002
> or founders could be more picky about who they give op status to. I dont
> have enuff cpu for a program to compensate for a stupid founder :>
> To deop, chanserv should only be concerned about if the issuer is an op
> the channel he is attempting it in, just like a pc client works...
I second that, why should IRCServices compensate, if someone is +o they
should be able to -o regardless of Services' Access Levels, this would also
fit in with the behaviour of 4.3.3-4.4.8. No-one has really complained
about this, so why change it?
Just my 0.2p.