[IRCServices] botserv (was: [Suggestion for next versions] Topiclock and last channels)

Julio González Gil JULIO_GLEZ at terra.es
Tue Feb 5 23:33:00 PST 2002

Some ircu daemons have already implemented this feature too ;)

I don´t know if original Undernet ircu2.10.x have this mode, but other
derivates like Es-Net/Hispano
(http://devel.irc-hispano.org) or Terraircu (http://irc.zolty.net) have this
mode included on code...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelmar K. Firesun" <kfiresun at ix.netcom.com>
To: <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCServices] botserv (was: [Suggestion for next versions]
Topiclock and last channels)

> The +d mode is an Unreal user mode only.
> Many daemons do not have this feature.  And
> with many of the Unreal modes is rather
> pointless to add.
> Kelmar K. Firesun (IRL: Bryce Simonds)
> Acting Admin: dream.esper.net